Federal Employer Identification Number | Request for EIN
FEIN stands for Federal Employer Identification Number. FEINs are also called employer identification numbers or tax identification numbers. In order to file taxes, businesses need FEINs. There is a difference between a FEIN and a company's state id number. As long as your business entity does not change or your account is closed, your Federal Employer Identification Number remains the same.
Taxpayer identification numbers (TINs) are used by most (but not all!) businesses. Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) are also examples of taxpayer identification numbers. A FEIN number identifies a company operating in The United States by its unique nine-digit number. The federal tax identification number appears as XX-XXXXXXX.
You must identify your business when you file documents such as Form W-2, Form 941, and business tax returns. You need to enter your Federal Employer Identification Number on these forms. You should keep your business ID number in a safe place so you can easily access it and record it on your tax forms.
Why do you need a Federal Employer Identification Number?
If you have employees, you must have a federal tax ID number. You also need a Federal Employer Identification Number if you:
- You can either incorporate or form a partnership for your business Filing
- certain tax returns (such as excise tax and employment tax) Using
- a non-resident alien's wages as an example for income tax withholding
There are also some types of organizations that need a Federal Employer Identification Number, such as:
- Revocable trusts, except those owned by the grantor, IRAs, and returns filed by exempt organizations
- Real estate
- Mortgage investment conduits for real estate
- Organizations that are non-profit
- Agricultural cooperatives
If your company meets the requirements for more than one Federal Employer Identification Number, you must obtain more than one EIN.
Federal Employer Identification Number application process
There are a few ways you can apply for a FEIN number from the IRS,
- Online
- Fax
If you prefer, you can apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number over the phone instead of through the mail. You will receive guidance through the process be asked qualifying questions, and be issued an EIN during this call. As a result.
- It can take a few hours for the whole process to finish. Send the FEIN application forms if you are interested in having the EIN in your hand. It is also possible to apply online, but you will still have to wait up.
- To six weeks for your FEIN. The paper application can be faxed instead of being submitted online by those without a fax machine. It takes a few days to receive a response after sending this form You might not be able to receive your number if you do not have a fax
- Fax machine.
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