Apply for an EIN Number for Free

 EINs are similar to social security numbers, but they are for business entities like limited liability companies (including single-member LLCs), corporations, and in some cases, sole proprietorships. If a sole proprietor has employees (you do not necessarily need employees in order to obtain a federal EIN.


In order to process taxes for your business, the IRS assigns you an EIN. This number has nine digits as a Social Security number.


Employer identification numbers for privacy purposes


Another big reason why you should apply for an EIN is to protect your privacy. Some business dealings may require you to provide your social security number if you do not have an EIN. You could be at risk for identity theft if you give out personal information freely. By having an EIN, you do not have to provide your social security number to clients or other individuals.



Who qualifies to apply for the EIN number for free?


The government offers a free EIN number to anyone with a valid taxpayer ID number, such as a Social Security number, Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or previous EIN number for a business located in the U.S.


How do you apply for an EIN number for free?


The process is a relatively easy process. In order to get an employer identification number, all you need to do is visit the IRS website, not a third-party website. It is unnecessary for you to get help with this process, and you do not want to spend money on someone to do it.

The IRS prefers to accept applications online. In order to apply for an EIN number for free, you must fill out the IRS's EIN application site, which will verify your information as you continue. You will receive your employer identification number as soon as you complete the form.

Taxpayers should note that the IRS prefers to process applications online (and it is definitely the fastest). You can also apply for an EIN number for free by fax, mail, or, if you are an international applicant, over the phone. The IRS website provides details about each of these methods. Each method requires Form SS-4.

After reviewing your application, the IRS will issue a new EIN to your business. For tax-exempt organizations, such as nonprofits, an EIN is still necessary but make sure you select ‘church or church-controlled organization as the entity type.

Whatever method you choose, you will receive a Form SS-4 Notice verifying that your business has applied for an EIN. Keep that notice so that you can use it to verify your EIN whenever necessary.



What is the time it takes to apply for an EIN number for free?


You can fill out the paperwork required for your EIN in less than five minutes. However, the length of time it takes to get the number depends on how you submit your information. By submitting the information online, you can receive your number immediately. The process of filling out and mailing in the SS-4 can take between 4-5 weeks. 

Online filing could be advantageous depending on your organization's needs. If you need your EIN to apply for a loan or anything else, you do not need to wait until you submit your documents. If you have any question you can call (919) 504-6664


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